A photograph of a half-submerged cave with various crystal formations



is a subculture among dehumanized groups that is normally described as the rejection of the human identity, and embracing being nonhuman. Both go along with applying those concepts to one's self, as a way of getting back at the dehumanization society has applied to them. While these are popular descriptors of the subculture, it is also up to the person's and community's personal perspective and experiences to describe Voidpunk.


It’s, well, punk.

Society puts out a lot of messages about What It Means To Be Human™ that can make a lot of people who don’t completely fit the bill feel lost, broken, alone, or like they’re doing something wrong; Voidpunk is about taking that message of “you’re not human”, making it your own, and throwing it back in society’s face. You say I’m not human? Sure, ok. That’s chill. Why does being Human™ have to be a goal to aspire to anyway? What’s so great about humanity?

 ɟlǝs ǝɥʇ.???
Bro you exist? That's kinda cringe

Why tho?

Because I find it comforting and empowering as a marginalised person. Let's take a quick look at some boxes I check and how Society and History tends to label me:
  • LGBTQA+ = corrupt, insane, danger to children, self loathing, freak, obscene, perverse.
  • Neurodivergent = broken, dangerous, a poison, cringe, creepy, a burden, scary, animalistic.
  • Jewish = just look up "blood libel" and "Protocols of the Elders of Zion". Enough said.
Voidpunk gives me a way to embrace this and make it fun, cool, quirky, and me rather than something harmful. While it may not be for everyone, and that is 100% valid, it works for me as a way to express myself. If shitty terrible people are going to hate me, even want me dead, because they view me as a demon, a freak, a monster, then I am not only going to reclaim those titles, but live a lifer holier than they will ever hope to have. There is nothing more punk rock than kindness, as they say.




A bust of a woman grinning, however half of her face is being swallowed by black tentacles.

Voidpunk Vibes

  • Activism! Speaking up for my fellow creechurs, and humans who need a voice
  • Drawing, or making ugly shitty crafts
  • Getting out in nature away from people
  • Unapologetically being me
  • Roleplaying (games)
  • Stimming in "scary" ways like biting or vocalising; going nuts, going feral, going silly
  • Above all else: ALWAYS remembering to do no harm, take no shit. Be kind, stand up for what's right. Live to have made the world a better place than when I found it.
Distorted text on a black background reading 'No, I'm not a human. I'm a'. It is cut off by static.
some meat A screenshot of an Omegle conversation. Stranger: Hi. You: do you like mothman? Stranger: no. Followed by the text 'you have disconnected'

Videos, Games, & Reads which give me Voidpunk feels:

A gif of a mushroom blooming, followed by the animation playing in reverse Home button